Sunday, October 14, 2012

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\listoverridecount0\ls6}}{\info{\title Interpret the Posture of Confidence}{\author pc}{\operator pc}{\creatim\yr2005\mo11\dy11\hr21\min2}{\revtim\yr2005\mo11\dy12\hr20}{\version3}{\edmins4}{\nofpages2}{\nofwords452}{\nofchars2582}{\*\company }
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{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \s1\keepn\nowidctlpar\widctlpar\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\f22\cgrid {How to Deal with People to Get What You Want
\par }\pard\plain \nowidctlpar\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\cgrid {\f22\fs24
\par }\pard\plain \s15\nowidctlpar\widctlpar\adjustright \f22\cgrid {
People communicate with each other in various ways for a lot of reasons. And one of these reasons is when you need something from someone. For people in business, this can either be in the form of products or services. You may want to sell a product while

the other party must find your product useful for his intention. You may want to offer your services while the other party must be satisfied with the services you render according to his needs. In short, the way to get somebody or anybody to do what you w
ant is to make them want to do it.
\par }\pard\plain \nowidctlpar\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\cgrid {\f22\fs24
\par To get something you want through intimidation or violence is to invite trouble. Yes, it\rquote s possible but not advisable to use forceful methods because the results are undesirable and at times disastrous. Imagine if you for
ce an employee to take a leave of absence for having apparently violated a company rule. The relationship between management and the employee, or perhaps between management and union (if the employee is a member of it), is likely to be severed.
\par To get wha
t you want, give people what they want. Just what do people want? Physical health, family ties, financial security, spiritual growth, peace of mind, a successful career, and fame are the basic needs of people. There is one important yet intangible thing e
verybody wants and that is appreciation. Being appreciated and complimented makes a person feel important. When you feel important, you feel needed and wanted, and this gives you a whole lot of reason for existence.

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