Saturday, October 27, 2012

coach outlet factory Q Ryan

Q: Ryan, I know we are still some way off the Grand Final, and nobody wants to put the mockers on, but in the unlikely event that the Swans don't make it three in a row, who will you be inviting over to watch the game?

Ryan: I think we would have to go the lot and bring the whole team over. It would be the off-season, so all the boys will be looking forward to a few beverages, a bit of fat and some carbs! I'd fire up the barbecue, put on some premium beers, and cook up an easy-to-eat finger feast. Some chicken marinated in with honey, soy, chili and lemon, some steaks too. Some people like to marinate steak, but I reckon it tastes better if you paste the steak and then cook it. Use some wholegrain mustard, soy, salt and pepper, paste both sides of the steak and then throw it straight onto the grill. I think I might hold off on the salads, maybe just do some baked potatoes and sour cream.

ryan okeef Q: So a small intimate barbecue, for 50 odd players! Partners as well?

Ryan: My partner Tara would want a few of her girlfriends over to balance out the testosterone! And yes, partners would be invited too. Tara is a vegetarian, so I would cater for that too and go a bit broader than the regular snags. Some lean, marinated chicken, or perhaps some seafood. Salmon, dory or barramundi wrapped in foil with some cut lemons and whole garlic cloves, or maybe even an oven-baked whole snapper with lemon, garlic and a bit of paprika. I wouldn't plan a menu, or follow a recipe, just a bit of this and a bit of that.

Q: Where does your love of food and cooking come from?

Ryan: It just comes from a love of eating. We always had good food at home, nothing flash, just good homely meals. I left home at 18 and basically had to start fending for myself. I found cooking was therapeutic after training. I slowly got a bit more creative, and a bit more courageous, and tested my skills on small dinner parties.

I've always had a bit of an adventurous approach to food, it might get me into trouble after this, but I will try almost anything. I know a lot of people name Jamie Oliver as an inspiration, but I really do like the way he cooks. He is impulsive and adventurous. He likes to try different things and experiment with flavours.

Cooking should be experimental, challenge the senses, and at the end of the day, food should make you feel good!

Q: You've got a few breaks during the game and everyone is expecting something to snack on during each interval, will you opt for a different taste sensation in each break?

Ryan: Yes, beer! Seriously, the guys will have had such a good feed before the game starts at 2, they can bring their own snacks if they want, but I reckon they will have eaten themselves to a standstill!

Q: What about your fellow forwards, Barry, Michael and Nick? If you could choose a menu item that would most fit their personalities, or a dish they would most likely order in a restaurant, what would it be?

Ryan: This could get me into a heap of trouble! Barry is a big bloke, but believe it or not he doesn't really eat that much, and he's very meticulous about what he eats, so I think some Sushi and salad would do him.

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