Tuesday, October 9, 2012

chanel watches Professionally

Professionally, it might mean presenting yourself as competent or reputable to those in authority or others in positions of power. In your personal life it may mean that others are looking to you to set an example or show some authority. Either way, you'll be more aware of being scrutinized and that consistency and patience is the name of the game. Some of you will have more contact with a parent or guardian figure, bosses - potential or actual - or others in positions of power but whoever they are they are likely to be helpful in some way and this could be beneficial to the master-plan. The New Moon here on the 6th heralds fresh beginnings in this area over the coming month.

Until the 19th it's more likely to be a case of who you know rather than what you know and cultivating good contacts will be beneficial. Comparing notes, networking and group activities are all highlighted from then on. You may wish to initiate things within an organization or group context and you could be feeling competitive or want to pool energies with a group. Others could be looking to you for your knowledge or opinion and you have to transmit the information in as inventive or intuitive way as you are can be quite inspiring or inspired just now. However avoid over-riding what others have to say as this energy is about co-operation and sharing. In fact you could be having a very active social life and may feel overloaded with mental stimulus at times.

Mercury retrograde from the 9th means you or someone could get the wrong end of the stick or you may have to wait a little longer before a plan takes off.

Until early January, Venus is giving you a taste for the new and untried and may get you interested in those from another culture or something techno.

Some of you may have more of an interest in communications, media, or a new body of knowledge or be travelling. Social life may have been related to a placed of learning. Things will be rolling forwards more easily in this area during December.

You're into a two plus year transit of Saturn which will teach you how to work within someone else's set of rules or project or property. During this time you'll try to strike a balance between their take on things and your own. It's possible that over this time, you'll have to gradually build a resource or lifestyle which is independent of a partner's or associate's control. Thus gaining an independence and freedom for yourself.

You'll slowly be shifting your priorities and changing old habits and attitudes. But in the meantime, you will be working through inner emotional patterning and you are at that stage now. Weighing up where your affinities lie at this stage in your life. Perhaps getting a deeper insight into something.

Uranus, in your sign til early Spring next year will also be helping you to break the ties that bind and some of you may have raised some eyebrows as you transformed yourself during this long transit of nearly 7 years. The energies tend to solidify into pivotal events which change your life in sometimes surprising or dramatic ways, but the ultimate outcome will be a more liberated version of yourself.

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