Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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Must he confess himself vanquished? Erik could not make up his mind to do this. Repeated soundings had revealed that under the ice there was a swift current running toward Franklin's Strait, that is to say toward the south; he told himself that some effort might suffice to break up the ice, and he resolved to attempt it.
For the length of seven marine miles he had hollowed in the ice a series of chambers, and in each of them was placed a kilogramme of dynamite. These were connected by a copper wire inclosed in gutta percha.
On the 30th of June, at eight o'clock in the morning, Erik from the deck of the "Alaska" pressed the button of the electrical machine, and a formidable explosion took place. The field of ice shook and trembled, and clouds of frightened sea-birds hovered around uttering discordant cries. When silence was restored, a long black train cut into innumerable fissures met their anxious gaze. The explosion of the terrible agent had broken up the ice field. There was, so to speak, a moment of hesitation, and then the ice acted as if it had only been waiting for some signal to move. Cracking in all parts it yielded to the action of the current, and they beheld here and there whole continents, as it were, gradually moving away from them. Some portions, however, were more slow to move; they seemed to be protesting against such violence. The next day the passage was clear, and the "Alaska" rekindled her fires.
Erik and his dynamite had done what it would probably have taken the pale arctic sun a month longer to accomplish.
On the 2d of July, the expedition arrived at Banks' Straits; on the fourth, she issued from the Arctic Sea properly speaking. From this time the route was open notwithstanding icebergs, fogs, and snow-storms. On the twelfth, the "Alaska" doubled Ice Cape; on the thirteenth, Cape Lisburne, and on the fourteenth she entered the Gulf of Kotzebue to the north of Behring's Straits and found there, according to instructions, the boat loaded with coal which had been sent from San Francisco.
Thus in two months and sixteen days they had accomplished the programme arranged by Erik before they left the coast of France.
The "Alaska" had hardly ceased to move, when Erik rushed into a small boat and hurried off to accost the officer who had charge of the boat loaded with coal.
"_Semper idem!_" said he, as he approached.
"Lisbon!" answered the Yankee.
"How long have you been waiting here for me?"
"Five weeks--we left San Francisco one month after the arrival of your dispatch."
"Have you heard any news of Nordenskiold?"
"At San Francisco they had not received any reliable information about him. But since I have been here I have spoken to several captains of whaling-vessels, who said that they had heard from the natives of Serdze-Kamen that an European vessel had been frozen in by the ice for nine or ten months; they thought it was the 'Vega.'"
"Indeed!" said Erik, with a joy which we can easily understand. "And do you believe that it has not yet succeeded in getting through the straits?"
"I am sure of it--not a vessel has passed us for the last five weeks, which I have not seen and spoken to."

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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Fanny trembled with apprehension as she heard him. Surely he has brain fever she thought, and she laid her hand gently on his burning forehead. He covered it with his own, muttering “Thérèse, Thérèse-so good-let me love you.”
Part 2 Chapter 10 Perplexing Things
The pale, drooping girl started guiltily at her mother’s sharp exclamation, and made an effort to throw back her shoulders. Then she bit her nails nervously, but soon desisted, remembering that that also, as well as yielding to a relaxed tendency of the spinal column, was a forbidden indulgence.
“Put on your hat and go on out and get a breath of fresh air; you’re as white as milk-man’s cream.”
Lucilla rose and obeyed her mother’s order with the precision of a soldier, following the directions of his commander.
“How submissive and gentle your daughter is,” remarked Thérèse.
“Well, she’s got to be, and she knows it. Why, I haven’t got to do more than look at that girl most times for her to understand what I want. You didn’t notice, did you, how she straightened up when I called ‘Lucilla’ to her? She knows by the tone of my voice what she’s got to do.”
“Most mothers can’t boast of having such power over their daughters.”
“Well, I’m not the woman to stand any shenanigans from a child of mine. I could name you dead loads of women that are just completely walked over by their children. It’s a blessing that boy of Fanny’s died, between you and I; its what I’ve always said. Why, Mrs. Laferm, she couldn’t any more look after a youngster than she could after a baby elephant. By the by, what do you guess is the matter with her, any way?”
“How, the matter?” Thérèse asked; the too ready blood flushing her face and neck as she laid down her work and looked up at Mrs. Worthington.
“Why, she’s acting mighty queer, that’s all I can say for her.”
“I haven’t been able to see her for some time,” Thérèse returned, going back to her sewing, “but I suppose she got a little upset and nervous over her husband; he had a few days of very serious illness before you came.”
“Oh, I’ve seen her in all sorts of states and conditions, and I’ve never seen her like that before. Why, she does nothing in the God’s world but whine and sniffle, and wish she was dead; it’s enough to give a person the horrors. She can’t make out she’s sick; I never saw her look better in my life. She must of gained ten pounds since she come down here.”
“Yes,” said Thérèse, “she was looking so well, and-and I thought everything was going well with her too, but-” and she hesitated to go on.
“Oh, I know what you want to say. You can’t help that. No use bothering your brains about that-now you just take my advice,” exclaimed Mrs. Worthington brusquely.
Then she laughed so loud and suddenly that Thérèse, being already nervous, pricked her finger with her needle till the blood came; a mishap which decided her to lay aside her work.
“If you never saw a fish out of water, Mrs. Laferm, do take a peep at Mr. Worthington astride that horse; it’s enough to make a cat expire!”
Mrs. Worthington was on the whole rather inclined to take her husband seriously. As often as he might excite her disapproval, it was seldom that he aroused her mirth. So it may be gathered that his appearance in this unfamiliar r?le of horseman was of the most mirth-provoking.

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  "The girl stood in the open doorway, shrinking back against thedoor, looking with distress and pity at the spectacle whichSalvolio's brutality afforded. Then suddenly there appearedbeside her a tall Turk. He was grey-bearded and forbidding. Shelooked round and saw him, and her mouth opened to utter a cry, butwith a gesture he silenced her and pointed to the darknessoutside.
  "Without a word she cringed past him, her sandalled feet making nonoise. All this time Salvolio was continuing his stream of abuse,but he must have seen the wonder in my eyes for he stopped andturned.
  "The old Turk took one stride forward, encircled his body with hisleft arm, and there they stood grotesquely like a couple who weregoing to start to waltz. The Turk was a head taller than Salvolioand, as I could see, a man of immense strength.
  "They looked at one another, face to face, Salvolio rapidlyrecovering his senses . . . and then the Turk gave him a gentlepunch in the ribs. That is what it seemed like to me, butSalvolio coughed horribly, went limp in the other's arms anddropped with a thud to the ground. The Turk leant down soberlyand wiped his long knife on the other's jacket before he put itback in the sash at his waist.
  "Then with a glance at me he turned to go, but stopped at the doorand looked back thoughtfully. He said something in Turkish whichI could not understand, then he spoke in French.
  "'Who are you?' he asked.
  "In as few words as possible I explained. He came over and lookedat the manacle about my leg and shook his head.
  "'You will never be able to get that undone,' he said.
  "He caught hold of the chain, which was a fairly long one, boundit twice round his arm and steadying his arm across his thigh, heturned with a sudden jerk. There was a smart 'snap' as the chainparted. He caught me by the shoulder and pulled me to my feet.
  " 'Put the chain about your waist, Effendi,' he said, and he tooka revolver from his belt and handed it to me.
  "'You may need this before we get back to Durazzo,' he said. Hisbelt was literally bristling with weapons - I saw three revolversbeside the one I possessed - and he had, evidently come preparedfor trouble. We made our way from the dungeon into theclean-smelling world without.
  "It was the second time I had been in the open air for eighteenmonths and my knees were trembling under me with weakness andexcitement. The old man shut the prison door behind us and walkedon until we came up to the girl waiting for us by the lakeside.
  She was weeping softly and he spoke to her a few words in a lowvoice and her weeping ceased.
  "'This daughter of mine will show us the way,' he said, 'I do notknow this part of the country - she knows it too well.'
  "To cut a long story short," said Lexman, "we reached Durazzo inthe afternoon. There was no attempt made to follow us up andneither my absence nor the body of Salvolio were discovered untillate in the afternoon. You must remember that nobody but Salvoliowas allowed into my prison and therefore nobody had the courage tomake any investigations.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Q: Ryan, I know we are still some way off the Grand Final, and nobody wants to put the mockers on, but in the unlikely event that the Swans don't make it three in a row, who will you be inviting over to watch the game?

Ryan: I think we would have to go the lot and bring the whole team over. It would be the off-season, so all the boys will be looking forward to a few beverages, a bit of fat and some carbs! I'd fire up the barbecue, put on some premium beers, and cook up an easy-to-eat finger feast. Some chicken marinated in with honey, soy, chili and lemon, some steaks too. Some people like to marinate steak, but I reckon it tastes better if you paste the steak and then cook it. Use some wholegrain mustard, soy, salt and pepper, paste both sides of the steak and then throw it straight onto the grill. I think I might hold off on the salads, maybe just do some baked potatoes and sour cream.

ryan okeef Q: So a small intimate barbecue, for 50 odd players! Partners as well?

Ryan: My partner Tara would want a few of her girlfriends over to balance out the testosterone! And yes, partners would be invited too. Tara is a vegetarian, so I would cater for that too and go a bit broader than the regular snags. Some lean, marinated chicken, or perhaps some seafood. Salmon, dory or barramundi wrapped in foil with some cut lemons and whole garlic cloves, or maybe even an oven-baked whole snapper with lemon, garlic and a bit of paprika. I wouldn't plan a menu, or follow a recipe, just a bit of this and a bit of that.

Q: Where does your love of food and cooking come from?

Ryan: It just comes from a love of eating. We always had good food at home, nothing flash, just good homely meals. I left home at 18 and basically had to start fending for myself. I found cooking was therapeutic after training. I slowly got a bit more creative, and a bit more courageous, and tested my skills on small dinner parties.

I've always had a bit of an adventurous approach to food, it might get me into trouble after this, but I will try almost anything. I know a lot of people name Jamie Oliver as an inspiration, but I really do like the way he cooks. He is impulsive and adventurous. He likes to try different things and experiment with flavours.

Cooking should be experimental, challenge the senses, and at the end of the day, food should make you feel good!

Q: You've got a few breaks during the game and everyone is expecting something to snack on during each interval, will you opt for a different taste sensation in each break?

Ryan: Yes, beer! Seriously, the guys will have had such a good feed before the game starts at 2, they can bring their own snacks if they want, but I reckon they will have eaten themselves to a standstill!

Q: What about your fellow forwards, Barry, Michael and Nick? If you could choose a menu item that would most fit their personalities, or a dish they would most likely order in a restaurant, what would it be?

Ryan: This could get me into a heap of trouble! Barry is a big bloke, but believe it or not he doesn't really eat that much, and he's very meticulous about what he eats, so I think some Sushi and salad would do him.

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One never realizes, until they face such contingencies, what an important part dinner plays in one’s life. It was nine o’clock when the dining-room was cleared that night, and the Brindisi passengers were allowed to take their places at the table. I hardly believe they took much else. Everything was brought to us as it was left from the first dinner-cold soup, the remnants of fish, cut up bits of beef and fowl-all down the miserable course until at last came cold coffee! I had thought the food on the India Express might have been better until after my experience on the P. & O. steamer Victoria, and then I decided it might have been worse.
Such a roar of complaint as went up from those late dinner passengers. They wanted to get up a protest to serve on the captain, but I refused to take any part in it, and several of the more conservative ones followed my example.
The two women I have already referred to as having traveled on the India Express to Brindisi, were treated even worse than I was. When we made inquiries, we were told that at dinner only were the places reserved, but that at breakfast and tiffin, first there were first served. Acting on this information they went in to early tiffin the following day, and a young man who sat at the head of an empty table said to them as they went to sit down:
“You can’t sit there. I’ve reserved those places for some of my friends.” They went to another table and after sitting down, were requested by some late comers to get up and give the places to them. The one woman cried bitterly over it.
“I am a grandmother, and this is the sixth trip I have made to Australia, and I was never treated so insultingly in my life.”
There are circumstances under which a trip on the Mediterranean would be like a dream of Paradise. If one were in love, for instance; for they do say that people in love do not eat, and aside from the food, the trip is perfect. Probably it is a hope of finding the cure that will help them to forget a stomach void, that makes love the principal subject on the P. & O. boats. Travelers who care to be treated with courtesy, and furnished with palatable food, will never by any chance travel on the Victoria.
It is all rule and no practice on that ship. The impudence and rudeness of the servants in America is a standing joke, but if the servants on the Victoria are a sample of English servants, I am thankful to keep those we have, such as they are. I asked the stewardess to assist a woman who looked as if she was dying of consumption, to the deck with her rugs, only to be told in reply, that she would not help any one unless they came and requested her to do so.
I heard her tell a passenger one day, that she did not believe it was sickness, but laziness that ailed the woman. If complaints were made about the conduct of the servants, they were always met by the assertion that the servants had been for a long time in the company’s employ, and would take privileges.
The commander of the ship set an example for rudeness. A Spanish gentleman of high position who was traveling to China, where he represented his country in the diplomatic service, also got on at Brindisi. He thought that his first duty was to pay his respects to the Captain in charge of the ship, so he asked some one to point the Captain out to him. This was done on deck. He walked up to the Captain, and with a profound bow, hat in hand, begged the Captain’s pardon, and said that he was chargé d’affaires of China and Siam for the Spanish government, and he wished to pay his duty and respects to the Captain of the boat on which he was traveling. The Captain glared at him savagely for a moment after he had finished, and then asked rudely:

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None of the dogs survived, their hurriedly built snow inclosure near the camp being almost wholly destroyed. The wind may have done that, though the greater breakage on the side next the camp, which was not the windward one, suggests an outward leap or break of the frantic beasts themselves. All three sledges were gone, and we have tried to explain that the wind may have blown them off into the unknown. The drill and ice-melting machinery at the boring were too badly damaged to warrant salvage, so we used them to choke up that subtly disturbing gateway to the past which Lake had blasted. We likewise left at the camp the two most shaken up of the planes; since our surviving party had only four real pilots — Sherman, Danforth, McTighe, and Ropes — in all, with Danforth in a poor nervous shape to navigate. We brought back all the books, scientific equipment, and other incidentals we could find, though much was rather unaccountably blown away. Spare tents and furs were either missing or badly out of condition.
It was approximately 4 P.M., after wide plane cruising had forced us to give Gedney up for lost, that we sent our guarded message to the Arkham for relaying; and I think we did well to keep it as calm and noncommittal as we succeeded in doing. The most we said about agitation concerned our dogs, whose frantic uneasiness near the biological specimens was to be expected from poor Lake’s accounts. We did not mention, I think, their display of the same uneasiness when sniffing around the queer greenish soapstones and certain other objects in the disordered region-objects including scientific instruments, aeroplanes, and machinery, both at the camp and at the boring, whose parts had been loosened, moved, or otherwise tampered with by winds that must have harbored singular curiosity and investigativeness.
About the fourteen biological specimens, we were pardonably indefinite. We said that the only ones we discovered were damaged, but that enough was left of them to prove Lake’s description wholly and impressively accurate. It was hard work keeping our personal emotions out of this matter — and we did not mention numbers or say exactly how we had found those which we did find. We had by that time agreed not to transmit anything suggesting madness on the part of Lake’s men, and it surely looked like madness to find six imperfect monstrosities carefully buried upright in nine-foot snow graves under five-pointed mounds punched over with groups of dots in patterns exactly those on the queer greenish soapstones dug up from Mesozoic or Tertiary times. The eight perfect specimens mentioned by Lake seemed to have been completely blown away.
We were careful, too, about the public’s general peace of mind; hence Danforth and I said little about that frightful trip over the mountains the next day. It was the fact that only a radically lightened plane could possibly cross a range of such height, which mercifully limited that scouting tour to the two of us. On our return at one A.M., Danforth was close to hysterics, but kept an admirably stiff upper lip. It took no persuasion to make him promise not to show our sketches and the other things we brought away in our pockets, not to say anything more to the others than what we had agreed to relay outside, and to hide our camera films for private development later on; so that part of my present story will be as new to Pabodie, McTighe, Ropes, Sherman, and the rest as it will be to the world in general. Indeed, Danforth is closer mouthed than I: for he saw, or thinks he saw, one thing he will not tell even me.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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“Don’t turn your back on me.”
I chose to understand it symbolically.
“You know very well I could never do that. I couldn’t. Not even if I wanted to.” And I added: “It’s too late now.”
“Well, then, sit down. Sit down on this couch.”
I sat down on the couch. Unwillingly? Yes. I was at that stage when all her words, all her gestures, all her silences were a heavy trial to me, put a stress on my resolution, on that fidelity to myself and to her which lay like a leaden weight on my untried heart. But I didn’t sit down very far away from her, though that soft and billowy couch was big enough, God knows! No, not very far from her. Self-control, dignity, hopelessness itself, have their limits. The halo of her tawny hair stirred as I let myself drop by her side. Whereupon she flung one arm round my neck, leaned her temple against my shoulder and began to sob; but that I could only guess from her slight, convulsive movements because in our relative positions I could only see the mass of her tawny hair brushed back, yet with a halo of escaped hair which as I bent my head over her tickled my lips, my cheek, in a maddening manner.
We sat like two venturesome children in an illustration to a tale, scared by their adventure. But not for long. As I instinctively, yet timidly, sought for her other hand I felt a tear strike the back of mine, big and heavy as if fallen from a great height. It was too much for me. I must have given a nervous start. At once I heard a murmur: “You had better go away now.”
I withdrew myself gently from under the light weight of her head, from this unspeakable bliss and inconceivable misery, and had the absurd impression of leaving her suspended in the air. And I moved away on tiptoe.
Like an inspired blind man led by Providence I found my way out of the room but really I saw nothing, till in the hall the maid appeared by enchantment before me holding up my overcoat. I let her help me into it. And then (again as if by enchantment) she had my hat in her hand.
“No. Madame isn’t happy,” I whispered to her distractedly.
She let me take my hat out of her hand and while I was putting it on my head I heard an austere whisper:
“Madame should listen to her heart.”
Austere is not the word; it was almost freezing, this unexpected, dispassionate rustle of words. I had to repress a shudder, and as coldly as herself I murmured:
“She has done that once too often.”
Rose was standing very close to me and I caught distinctly the note of scorn in her indulgent compassion.
“Oh, that! . . . Madame is like a child.” It was impossible to get the bearing of that utterance from that girl who, as Dona Rita herself had told me, was the most taciturn of human beings; and yet of all human beings the one nearest to herself. I seized her head in my hands and turning up her face I looked straight down into her black eyes which should have been lustrous. Like a piece of glass breathed upon they reflected no light, revealed no depths, and under my ardent gaze remained tarnished, misty, unconscious.
“Will Monsieur kindly let me go. Monsieur shouldn’t play the child, either.” (I let her go.) “Madame could have the world at her feet. Indeed she has it there only she doesn’t care for it.”

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We paced on steadily. I thought: “How on earth am I going to stop you?” Had this arisen only a month before, when I had the means at hand and Dominic to confide in, I would have simply kidnapped the fellow. A little trip to sea would not have done Senor Ortega any harm; though no doubt it would have been abhorrent to his feelings. But now I had not the means. I couldn’t even tell where my poor Dominic was hiding his diminished head.
Again I glanced at him sideways. I was the taller of the two and as it happened I met in the light of the street lamp his own stealthy glance directed up at me with an agonized expression, an expression that made me fancy I could see the man’s very soul writhing in his body like an impaled worm. In spite of my utter inexperience I had some notion of the images that rushed into his mind at the sight of any man who had approached Dona Rita. It was enough to awaken in any human being a movement of horrified compassion; but my pity went out not to him but to Dona Rita. It was for her that I felt sorry; I pitied her for having that damned soul on her track. I pitied her with tenderness and indignation, as if this had been both a danger and a dishonour.
I don’t mean to say that those thoughts passed through my head consciously. I had only the resultant, settled feeling. I had, however, a thought, too. It came on me suddenly, and I asked myself with rage and astonishment: “Must I then kill that brute?” There didn’t seem to be any alternative. Between him and Dona Rita I couldn’t hesitate. I believe I gave a slight laugh of desperation. The suddenness of this sinister conclusion had in it something comic and unbelievable. It loosened my grip on my mental processes. A Latin tag came into my head about the facile descent into the abyss. I marvelled at its aptness, and also that it should have come to me so pat. But I believe now that it was suggested simply by the actual declivity of the street of the Consuls which lies on a gentle slope. We had just turned the corner. All the houses were dark and in a perspective of complete solitude our two shadows dodged and wheeled about our feet.
“Here we are,” I said.
He was an extraordinarily chilly devil. When we stopped I could hear his teeth chattering again. I don’t know what came over me, I had a sort of nervous fit, was incapable of finding my pockets, let alone the latchkey. I had the illusion of a narrow streak of light on the wall of the house as if it had been cracked. “I hope we will be able to get in,” I murmured.
Senor Ortega stood waiting patiently with his handbag, like a rescued wayfarer. “But you live in this house, don’t you?” he observed.
“No,” I said, without hesitation. I didn’t know how that man would behave if he were aware that I was staying under the same roof. He was half mad. He might want to talk all night, try crazily to invade my privacy. How could I tell? Moreover, I wasn’t so sure that I would remain in the house. I had some notion of going out again and walking up and down the street of the Consuls till daylight. “No, an absent friend lets me use . . . I had that latchkey this morning . . . Ah! here it is.”

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An amusing expression of this self-praise has come down to us in the puff he composed on the occasion of a reprint of the Shagreen Skin by Gosselin in 1832. “The Philosophic Tales of Monsieur de Balzac,” it announced, “have appeared this week. The Shagreen Skin is judged as the admirable novels of Anne Radcliffe were judged. Such things escape annalists and commentators. The eager reader lays hold of these books. They bring sleeplessness into the mansions of the rich and into the garret of the poet; they animate the village. In winter they give a livelier reflection to the sparkling log, great privileges to the story-teller. It is nature, in sooth, who creates story-tellers. Vainly are you a learned, grave writer, if you have not been born a story-teller, and you will never obtain the popularity of the Mysteries of Udolpho and the Shagreen Skin, the Arabian Nights, and Monsieur de Balzac. I have somewhere read that God created Adam, the nomenclator, saying to him: You are the story-teller. And what a story-teller! What verve and wit! What indefatigable perseverance in painting everything, daring everything, branding everything! How the world is dissected by this man! What an annalist! What passion and what coolness!
“The Philosophic Tales are the red-hot interpretation of a civilization ruined by debauch and well-being, which Monsieur de Balzac exposes in the pillory. The Arabian Nights are the complete history of the luxurious East in its days of happiness and perfumed dreams. Candide is the epitome of an epoch in which there were bastilles, a stag-park, and an absolute king. By thus taking at the first bound a place beside these formidable or graceful tale-tellers, Monsieur de Balzac proves one thing that remained to be proved; to wit, that the drama, which was no longer possible to-day on the stage, was still possible in the story — that our society, so dangerously sceptical, blase, and scornful, could yet be moved by the galvanic shocks of this poetry of the senses — full of life and colour, in flesh and blood, drunk with wine and lust — in which Monsieur de Balzac revels with such delight. Thus, the surprise was great, when, thanks to this story-teller, we still found among us something resembling poetry — feasts, intoxication, the light o’ love giving her caresses amidst an orgie, the brimming punch-bowl crowned with blue flames, the yellow-gloved politician, scented adultery, the girl indulging in pleasure and love and dreaming aloud, poverty clean and neat, surrounded with respectability and happy hazard — we have seen all this in Balzac. The Opera with its lemans, the pink boudoir and its flossy hangings, the feast and its surfeits; we have even seen Moliere’s doctor reappear, such need has this man of sarcasm and grotesqueness. The further you advance in the Shagreen Skin — vices, lost virtues, poverties, boredom, deep silence, dry-as-dust science, angular, witless scepticism, laughable egotism, puerile vanities, venal loves, Jewish second-hand dealers, etc. — the more astonished and pained you will be to recognize that the nineteenth century in which you live is so made up. The Shagreen Skin is Candide with Beranger’s notes; it is poverty, luxury, faith, mockery; it is the heartless breast, the brainless cranium of the nineteenth century — the century so bedizened and scented, so revolutionary, so ill-read, so little worth, the century of brilliant phantasmagorias, of which in fifty years’ time nothing will be seizable except Monsieur de Balzac’s Shagreen Skin.”

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Some Information Regarding the Kerry Blue Terrier Pet Dog

The Blue Kerry terrier pet dog is one of the most mysterious breeds of terriers. This is because of the fact that even though the breed has been known by the Irish for at leas 150 years, nobody really knows where they came from or how they were first bred.

Various legends are told in order to explain the appearance of the Kerry blue terrier breed. Some say that the peasants bred them for hunting purposes since noblemen monopolized the use of wolfhounds. Thus, noblemen hunted with their wolfhounds while peasants poached with their Kerries.

Another legend speaks of a wrecked Russian ship that contained a blue dog. This dog swam into Irish shores and there, mated with the local terrier population. This, of course, started the genetic pool of blue Kerry terriers.

Whatever the case, the blue Kerry terrier sure has a colorful history. It started as a working dog, helping hunters bring in prey. It would also be trained as a police dog by the English. Today, it is considered to be one of the best breeds of dogs that one can own. This is in part of its excellent abilities as a watchdog.

One thing that is so cool about owning a Blue Kerry terrier pet dog is the fact that this breed is adaptable to every situation. It can be a hardworking hunter�s dog. It can become the vigilant watchdog. If you want companionship, it can also provide that. People who are fortunate to have a Blue Kerry terrier pet dog even say that once you are a Kerry lover, you are forever a Kerry lover.

There are some terrier characteristics which may cause a bit of trouble for your dog. Like all terriers, the Blue Kerry terrier pet dog can get into fights with other dogs. In order to prevent this, you need to make sure that the Blue Kerry terrier pet dog is properly socialized. Usually this is done by the breeder.

Most people, when they are getting a pet often ask the question of whether or not a pet can be housebroken easily. Thankfully enough, the Blue Kerry terrier pet dog has a disposition that is easily house trained. The Blue Kerry terrier pet dog is actually quite eager to learn. This means that you will be able to train it very quickly.

Although a Blue Kerry terrier can become an excellent playmate for children, it must be taken that the children do not show any cruelty to the dog.

The Blue Kerry terrier is also one of the more hardy types of terriers. This is because the Blue Kerry terrier has very few genetic problems. Before buying one, however, you need to ask for eye certifications and hip x-rays. These are the most commonly afflicted parts of the Blue Kerry terrier.

A Blue Kerry terrier is not really for everyone. Some people may find it a bit too playful. Some people may not really get used to the Blue Kerry terrier�s curiosity. People may not really understand its habit of following everyone around. Today, the fate of the Blue Kerry terrier dog lies in the hands of the breeders who care for them, nurture them, and make sure that they have great homes to stay in.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

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A Guide to Professional Styles and Techniques in the Art of Digital Wedding Photography

When people get sentimental, they usually flip albums and look at the pictures that depict the things that happened in their lives. These pictures are not simply pieces of colored papers with images for they can trigger deeply-seated emotions. Emotions vary depending on the memories attached to these images seen and preserved.

One of the moments that most people would really love to preserve is the tick of events on their wedding day.

For this reason, people even decide to hire professional photographers to capture the important moments of their lives. However, these photographers may not always advise the client to strike a pose. They are expected to wait patiently to be able to catch memorable portraits. Most photographers that are employed for weddings have assistants so that they can maximize their strategy in creating an album that will not regrettable.

What if you would also want to take pictures of a friend�s wedding?

Here are a few basic techniques and styles for anyone who wants to capture the said event using a digital camera:

1. If you want to take a picture of a couple or any intended target, make sure that the background is good and the environment is not so crowded.
2. If there is a nice background but it is hard to focus on the couple, you may shoot them from shoulder up.
3. If some of the guests are wearing glasses, they can be advised to stand tilt their heads a little down or sideways to avoid the glaring effect that normally appears when the flash is used.
4. If there is a couple or a group that you wish to include in the picture, you should zoom in or out of the picture.
5. You must not shoot a couple or any guest against the light so that dark images will not appear
6. Candid shots are also dramatic. These portraits reveal more than the quality of the picture itself. In fact, many professionals do this to capture intimate and memorable moments.
7. You should be alert at all times since you can seldom ask individuals to pose
again for you.
8. Your digital camera should be equipped with appropriate memory cards or sticks to ensure that no great moment is missed.

In other words, you have to have an extra memory card especially when you want more moments to preserve. The following suggestions should be considered before buying a memory card:

a. for 3 mega pixels � a 256 MB memory card
b. for 4 mega pixels � a 512 MB memory card
c. for 6 mega pixels � 1 gigabyte memory card

9. You are not advised to use low resolutions if the images will be displayed and
hung later.

Just always remember that the higher the resolution utilized, the larger the size of prints that can be made.

10. Keep a copy of your best works so you can use and reuse the techniques that
made your viewers smile and appreciate your creation more.

You can do this by saving albums on your personal computer to free up the space in your memory card. You may also use other software to enhance the quality of the prints to be made.

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From the lodging of Damian, the Constable proceeded to the convent of the Benedictine Abbess. But she had been already made acquainted with the circumstances which he came to communicate, by a still earlier visit from the Archbishop Baldwin himself. The Primate had undertaken the office of mediator on this occasion, conscious that his success of the evening before must have placed the Constable in a delicate situation with the relations of his betrothed bride, and willing, by his countenance and authority, to reconcile the disputes which might ensue. Perhaps he had better have left Hugo de Lacy to plead his own cause; for the Abbess, though she listened to the communication with all the respect due to the highest dignitary of the English Church, drew consequences from the Constable’s change of resolution which the Primate had not expected. She ventured to oppose no obstacle to De Lacy’s accomplishment of his vows, but strongly argued that the contract with her niece should be entirely set aside, and each, party left at liberty to form a new choice.
It was in vain that the Archbishop endeavoured to dazzle the Abbess with the future honours to be won by the Constable in the Holy Land; the splendour of which would attach not to his lady alone, but to all in the remotest degree allied to or connected with her. All his eloquence was to no purpose, though upon so favourite a topic he exerted it to the utmost. The Abbess, it is true, remained silent for a moment after his arguments had been exhausted, but it was only to consider how she should intimate in a suitable and reverent manner, that children, the usual attendants of a happy union, and the existence of which she looked to for the continuation of the house of her father and brother, could not be hoped for with any probability, unless the precontract was followed by marriage, and the residence of the married parties in the same country. She therefore insisted, that the Constable having altered his intentions in this most important particular, the fiancailles should be entirely abrogated and set aside; and she demanded of the Primate, as an act of justice, that, as he had interfered to prevent the bridegroom’s execution of his original purpose, he should now assist with his influence wholly to dissolve an engagement which had been thus materially innovated upon.
The Primate, who was sensible he had himself occasioned De Lacy’s breach of contract, felt himself bound in honour and reputation to prevent consequences so disagreeable to his friend, as the dissolution of an engagement in which his interest and inclinations were alike concerned. He reproved the Lady Abbess for the carnal and secular views which she, a dignitary of the church, entertained upon the subject of matrimony, and concerning the interest of her house. He even upbraided her with selfishly preferring the continuation of the line of Berenger to the recovery of the Holy Sepulchre, and denounced to her that Heaven would be avenged of the shortsighted and merely human policy, which postponed the interests of Christendom to those of an individual family.

Friday, October 19, 2012

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In addition to performing a standard internet search, to find a drifting training course, you are also advised to use that same type of search to look for local drifting venues or amateur organizations. While they may not exist in your area, they are the best way to prepare for your next drifting experience, whether that experience remains on the amateur level or you graduate to the professional level.


Word Count 621

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Once you gather your questions, toss up new ideas to find your answers. Most of us have the answers within us, yet many fail to discover these answers. You want to learn self-talk and role-play to pull up your answers. Learning these helpful tools will guide you to success as well.

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After a winter that some of us here in Big Bear Lake, California thought would never end ... and we're very spoiled here in Big Bear, so yes, it did seem long and hard ... spring has finally arrived. We're currently in a "between seasons mode". We're leaving winter, but not quite into full-blown springtime as yet.

But that's the perfect time to make our springtime plans. Spring is my favorite season here in Big Bear ... and there's just so much to do! I think it's the most incredible time of year here in the San Bernardino mountains, and I want to clue you in on upcoming events... some very exciting ones ... so you can plan to join us up here!

If you've visited Big Bear at all lately, you'll be aware that cycling... both mountain biking and the on-road variety ... are now very popular activities in Big Bear. The "winter only resort" days are long gone. Spring, Summer, and Fall are all now very exciting up here in God's Country... and cycling is a large contributor to that.

Stage 6: The Big Bear Climb!

One of the very special things happening here in Big Bear this year will be the AMGEN Tour of California. The Tour of California is patterned after the Tour de France, and is the most prestigious team cycling event in the entire USA. It covers over 700 miles in a bit less than a week of racing, through some of the most scenic and gruelling terrain in the state.

This year, the most exciting part of the entire race ... designated as "Stage 6" ... is definitely the "Climb to Big Bear". Originally routed to start in Pasadena and climb the San Gabriel Mountains via Angeles Crest Highway, the Tour organizers had to adjust quickly when this last winter's storms made a mess of the route.

As it's now planned, the route now takes off in Palmdale, California, and climbs the San Gabriels from the North side, missing the closed highway sections. From there it shadows the rim of the San Gabriels east, dropping into Wrightwood. After passing the 15 freeway, the route climbs the San Bernardino range and passes through Lake Silverwood, Crestline, then through Sky Forest and Running Springs, and then ascends again into this area, where the climax of the Climb will take place in the parking lot of the Snow Summit Ski Resort.

Now, that is one challenging bike ride! Over 135 miles and over 12,000 feet in vertical climbing when it's all over. That's enough to test the limits of anyone's endurance, but the pro bikers who will be riding, including Levi Leipheimer and the amazing Lance Armstrong, will take it to the MAX as they race the clock... and the other contestants...to the finish line.

Tour de Big Bear: We Can All Get In The Act!

At the same time as the pro Tour, Big Bear is also hosting a 2 day event called whimsically, the "Tour de Big Bear". This is a separate cycling event that is designed to provide normal folks like you and I... those who don't see themselves riding 135 miles in a day... a chance to watch the really serious Tour and take part in some less serious, more relaxed... and totally beautiful... bike rides of our own.

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Decorating Your Kitchen for Christmas

When it comes to decorating for Christmas, there are many individuals who automatically think about their Christmas tree. While decorating your Christmas tree is a big part of the Christmas holiday, it is not the only thing in your home that you could or should be decorating. What many individuals do not realize is that, if you wanted, you could easily go about decorating your whole home for Christmas, including your kitchen.

As previously mentioned, a number of individuals do not realize that they can effective decorate their whole home for Christmas, especially the kitchen. If you would like to showcase your Christmas spirit in a room other than the one that your Christmas tree is in, you should start with your kitchen. One of the reasons for this is because there are, literally, an unlimited number of Christmas decorations that are designed for the kitchen.

One of the most popular ways to decorate your kitchen for Christmas is by purchasing and using Christmas themed potholders. You don�t even necessarily have to use them. Just having a potholder with a picture of Santa, snowflakes, or reindeers should be enough to bring the Christmas spirit into your kitchen. In addition to potholders, you can easily find oven mitts, as well as kitchen towels that come with a Christmas theme. Hang these items in your kitchen and they can easily be considered Christmas decorations.

In addition to potholders and kitchen towels, you can also bring a touch of Christmas spirit into your kitchen with some kitchen magnets. A large number of retail stores, both on and offline, carry a fairly large selection of Christmas magnets. What is nice about these Christmas magnets is that they come in a number of different forms. You could easily purchase some cheap plastic magnets, the ones that look like they were made for kids, or you also purchase more elegant magnets, often handcrafted ones. In fact, it is even possible to purchase Christmas magnets that double as Christmas frames. What better way to bring the Christmas spirit into your kitchen than combining your Christmas decorations with pictures of your family?

You can also decorate your kitchen for Christmas by using Christmas kitchenware. Christmas kitchenware tends to encompass a number of different things. For the most part, Christmas kitchenware includes the items that you use in your kitchen, often on a regular basis. It is possible to find kitchen eating utensils that have a touch of Christmas in them. It is also possible to find plates, bowls, and cups that come pre-designed with Christmas pictures or symbols. If you have a number of these items showcased, out in the open, they could easily be considered Christmas decorations.

The above mentioned Christmas decorations and items are just a few of the many that you can use to decorate your home for Christmas. If you are looking for additional ideas, you are advised to perform a standard internet search. Online, you should be able to find a number of tips on decorating for Christmas, including your kitchen. It may also be a good idea to start shopping for Christmas decorations, whether you shop online or at one of your local retail stores. Once you are able to see all of the Christmas decorations that are available, you may be able to determine which decorations would look great in your kitchen.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Whether it抯 choosing a new car or doing your winter clothes shopping, there is one word that has incredible importance in all our consumer decisions: choice. Everybody likes to think that when they are making purchase they are doing so in a competitive, open market, with the greatest number of options on the table from which to make an informed decision. If this makes sense to you, if you like to have the widest range of choice in all aspects of your life, then it logically follows that you want the biggest choice possible when it comes to your home television system.

Cable sets can give you some choice, but in the face of new technological advancements and the gradual opening up of the entire world in media terms this seems rather insufficient. Most basic cable packages offer around 70 different stations for you to peruse, a rather limited number in this day and age. If you wish to receive any further channels such as HBO or Showtime, you must pay a premium for this privilege. This narrow range of channels is just one of the reasons why people are choosing satellite TV for their multi-channel television needs. Some of the great genres you can access through your satellite dish and receiver include:

International: Through satellite TV you can access shows and stations from literally all over the world, expanding your horizons and allowing you to experience new cultures without ever leaving your living room. This can also allow you to stay in touch with a country or region you have left to move to the United States, or that you lived in temporarily. So miss your favourite Brazilian soap opera, or a French film channel? With your satellite package you can watch these just as easily as if you were back in the country.

Sports: Are you, your family and friends bid sports fans? If so you will all find that you cannot beat satellite television for the level of sporting coverage on offer. You have exclusive access to the best action on a local, national and international level, watching everything from your local college in action to the best soccer from the top European and South American leagues- as well as almost everything in between. And with specialist sports packages such as the NFL Sunday Ticket also available, which gives a level of football coverage more extensive than ever, you can be sure that even the most devoted fan will not be left wanting more.

Music: Whether you have it on to relax while working, or you are getting a party started in your living room it is always great to be able to listen to a little bit of music. And with satellite television you can watch all of your favourite music videos 24 hours a day, as well as discovering some you may not have heard before.


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Using Online Video Websites to Promote Your Blog

Blogs have literally taken in the internet by storm. It seems as if just about everyone has a blog. Blogs are so popular that it there is a good chance that you have one. While blogs are nice, it is sometimes difficult to get them seen. Many blog owners, maybe even yourself, are unsure how to go about generating more internet traffic. Luckily for you and other blog owners, there are a number of different ways that you can work to increase the number of page views that your blog receives.

The first step in getting traffic to your blog is to make sure that you have an interesting topic. If you are writing about your personal experiences, you may find that not everyone wants to read about them, that is unless you lead an adventurous life. However, if you blog on a wider range of topics, such as working from home, saving money, or being a good partner, you are automatically likely to get a bigger audience. This is because more internet users, especially ones that you do not know, would be more willing to read information on these topics, rather than your daily adventures or lack of adventures.

Once you have found a topic that you would like to write about, you will need to start creating your blog, if you haven�t already. When making your blog it is important that you write content that will be useful to your blog�s general topic. It is also important to include lots of content. Content is what most search engines use when picking up websites. In the event that your blog gets indexed by a search engine, you will find that your blog�s traffic should automatically increase. This is because a large number of internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for.

Although a high search engine ranking may help to increase the amount of traffic your blog sees, it is sometimes difficult to do. Most individuals do not go further than the third or fourth page, when looking at search engine results. This means that if your blog is not considered to be high ranking, you may not get the results that you were hoping for. However, this does not mean that you should give up. Instead, it means that you just have to find another way to promote your blog.

One of the many other ways that you can go about promoting your blog is through the use of online video websites, particularly the ones that are free to use. Online video websites are websites that allow internet users to upload videos that they have created. Once uploaded, these videos can be viewed by thousands, if not millions, of internet users. If you are looking for a fun and low-cost way to market your blog, you are advised to give online video websites some though.

Before uploading your video, to an online video website, you will have to make your video. To do so, you will need a recording device. The best devices to use include camcorders and webcams. When making your online video, it is important not to make your video sound too pushy or like spam. It may be a good idea to state the purpose of your blog and what can be found there. You may also want to record yourself or someone else visiting your blog to showcase your blog�s features. You could also take still shots, also commonly known as screen shots. These shots will allow you to post pictures of your blog pages. Having those pictures float through your online video is a great way to show internet users what your blog is all about.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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The Reverse Side of Contemporary History has similar defects. It was commenced in the Musee des Familles in 1842, was continued in 1844, and was completed only in 1848 in the Spectateur Republicain. We meet at first with a certain Godefroi who reaches middle age without obtaining any permanent satisfaction out of his life, and who thinks of burying himself in some quiet quarter of Paris where he can dwell unknowing and unknown. An accident introduces him to a kind of lay community whose presiding spirit is a Madame de la Chanterie, and whose members are a priest and three old gentlemen. These people are devoting what remains to them of their existence to alleviating pain and distress. Godefroi is admitted into the association, and, during his novice expedition, has a curious experience which leads to the disclosure of Madame de la Chanterie’s past. This is narrated in the second half of the book. We get the whole of that lady’s tragic history, an unjust trial of which she was the victim, the Nemesis which punished the bad judge in his daughter’s frightful malady and his poverty, and the heaping of coals of fire on his head by the woman who had suffered so direly through him. On arriving at the end of the story we cannot recognize it as the one we were made acquainted with at the outset. The tangle of episode and explanation — the latter confusing more than it explains — which intervenes in the middle, issues in a coarser thread that persists till the close. And yet the start was a fair one.
With Cousin Bette, we are back among the monstrosities. Bette is the poor relation who, unlike Pons, revenges herself for her humiliations and the insults bestowed on her. She aids in the pecuniary and moral ruin of the Hulot family, acts in cold blood, and attains her object before she dies. She is not the only perverted nature delineated. There is the Baron Hulot, whose odious licentiousness brings him to a veritable cretinism. There is Crevel, a grotesque, contemptible dupe; there are the Marneffes, sinks of corruption; and, with these, other minor characters — the vindictive Brazilian who wreaks his wrath on Madame Marneffe and on Crevel by his mysterious death-causing gift. The ideally virtuous Adeline Hulot also the novelist belittles, making her offer herself to Crevel to save her husband from the consequences of his degrading passions. Nearly all the book is harrowing, and even the atmosphere of the bohemian circles, where conversation is one sparkle of satire, is heavily tainted with vice.
George Sand protested against Madame Hulot’s portrait as unnatural; and, herself being the contrary of prudish in sexual relations, the opinion cannot be called prejudiced. Balzac defended his treatment, while admitting there was force in what she said. Arguing with her on their respective methods, he replied: “You seek to paint man as he ought to be. I take him as he is. Believe me, we are both right. Both ways lead to the same goal. I am fond of exceptional beings. I am one myself. Moreover, I need them to give relief to my common characters; and I never sacrifice them without necessity. But these common characters interest me more than they interest you. I aggrandize them; I idealize them in an inverse direction, in their ugliness or their stupidity. I give to their deformity terrifying or grotesque proportions. You could not do this. You are wise not to look at people and things that would cause you nightmare. Idealize in that which is pretty and beautiful. This is woman’s task.”

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Choosing Your Autoresponder Software

It can be a somewhat difficult and time consuming task to find the right autoresponder. There are a lot of choices available on the Internet, each one ranging in price and features. Before you decide to purchase your own autoresponder, you should first think about your budget as well as your requirements. This way, you抣l know what you want and how much you are willing to spend.

First, you抣l need to decide the features you want. Next, you抣l need to take a look at some of the different types of autoresponders available on the market. You抣l also need to decide which type is right for you, and which brand name you think would work the best. You can answer these questions by comparing different brands, prices, features, and licensing restrictions.

For a business, autoresponders can be great. As most of us already know, autoresponders are programs that will send out an automated response via email to a specified address. In most cases, the response you get back from an email autoresponder is short and sweet, normally letting you know that someone is on vacation, away from their computer, or that they have received your message.

The only real problem to autoresponders is the fact that they will replay to any email that they receive. If you are subscribed to a mailing list and used your autoresponder address to sign up, it can easily create a problem. Anytime someone sends you an email to your responder address it will send an automated reply. It can also lack important features that you need to follow up on your clients or subscribers as well.

For the Internet marketing guru, there are sequential autoresponders. These types of autoresponders are designed to collect different email addresses then send out a variety of pre determined messages through email to subscribers that you have on your list. If you have a sequential autoresponder and use it correctly, it can help you bring back more visitors. It can be a very handy tool to have around, especially if you work with a lot of clients. It can help you keep track of subscribers, as well as keep them informed about what is going on with your business.

All across the Internet there are many types of autoresponders. They range from web based programs to scripts or programs that run through your computer or personal server. An autoresponder will be a major part of your online business, which is why you should always put forth the time and effort to find the best one for your money. If you put the proper research and time into finding your ideal autoresponder, you抣l save yourself a lot of time and headache in the long run.

Basically, there are three main types of autoresponders that you can choose from � remote hosted, locally hosted, and desktop hosted. Remote hosted are hosted on someone else抯 server or website. Locally hosted will allow you to work programs for your own web server. Desktop programs on the other hand, will allow you to work from your own computer. Most people choose to go with locally hosted, as it makes things a lot easier.

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The rhythm has to be the basis of every musical piece. And so, being able to hear together with feel the rhythmic groove is key to play any song well. There are lots of drills that all musicians, not just guitarists, can perform to help make their playing be as good rhythmically as possible. They really are very simple, however, they can pay off incredibly for those who are controlled enough to not just jump straight to jamming as soon as you can.

A large amount of guitar players don't engage in at least one of these strategies:

Tap along with the rhythm of the tune without the guitar at first

Start off trying to play at a slow enough pace where they can really highlight that particular track's rhythm/timing

Whenever you don抰 practice these two techniques, you will be making playing a song much harder then it has to be. If you want to improve your playing, you're certainly gonna really want to look at this page to find out ways to make your guitar playing as rhythmic as possible, and thus, as musical as possible.

For starters, I want to clearly define 搆nowing?in a rhythmic context as being the blend of listening to and feeling the rhythm/timing of a track. This mixture is super effective because it is easier for you to recollect a thing when it involves numerous sensory experiences (ex: listening together with feeling). This concept leads us on to the 1st thing?

Method #1: Tap along with the beats without your guitar: The real key in being rhythmic any time you are playing guitar is always to listen for the rhythm of the song without a guitar 1st. An excellent technique to make sure you can actually hear the rhythm of every piece is to tap along to the beats against your leg, or alternatively, clap along. Of course, the further noise created by tapping or clapping will make the beats evident. Additionally, you are not having to find the notes to play so you are able to devote your complete attention to actually listening to when the beats are as well as doing your tap or clap directly on them. The sweet thing about using this method is that it forces players to be conscious of the song's rhythm/timing.

Another good thing about this exercise is any time you make use of your body (ex: tapping on your thigh), you are clearly feeling a particular rhythm and this will help remember it. Then, further on when you want to play the tune with your guitar, you can more easily recollect the way the rhythm made you feel and put this feeling into playing the song. Being able to tap into a past feeling is more powerful than listening to a rhythmic groove for the first time or studying the tabs!

As a group, the requirement of having to listen to the rhythm/timing first, and having to actually feel it through the tapping or clapping lead to the 搆nowing?of the rhythm as soon as you grab the guitar to play and can recollect the sensation.

Method #2: Play Slowly: When I say that one of the keys in being able to play well fast is definitely playing well slow 1st and working up, it'll without a doubt be something you抳e heard repeatedly before. The reason being, this strategy is crucial for the growth of your speed and your ability to play rhythmic. If you are attempting to learn to play a song at too fast a pace from the beginning, you're not making it very far匫r certainly much less easily compared to if you would have started slow.

This strategy is possibly the easiest as well as most self-explanatory, yet it's perhaps one of the hardest to have enough discipline to really achieve. Typically the reaction of nearly all guitarists is that they want to play as fast as they're able to the moment they can. This will certainly create the complete opposite outcome, for the reason that without building a excellent rhythmic framework, it is very difficult to play using articulation and preciseness. For instance: if you don抰 know the rhythm/play with a clear rhythm/timing, you are really just playing notes. This is exactly why the 1st strategy is really so valuable.

You must start off learning the rhythm, and the easiest and most efficient way to do this is going to be to start off slow. This strategy is without question of tremendous significance to all parts of guitar playing, although especially the rhythmic factors.

Keep in mind: If you want to perform a song suitably and actually reveal its own melodies and also its individuality, you need to start by figuring out the song's rhythm before you play one note. If you are able to do this, when you start to perform, you'll be better able to adequately bring out the song's rhythm simply by getting started slow and steadily increasing the speed.


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Don't Get Caught With Google Adsense Click Fraud

Many web site owners are getting their Google Adsense account terminated when they have done nothing wrong to deserve the punishment. Considering the money that they are getting from Adsense, they would certainly want to get back into it.

Considering the money to be made with Adsense, it is no wonder that they would want to get back into it.

It is that same consideration why the Google Adsense click fraud is thought of and why many people are getting into it.

Click fraud is the act of clicking on ads for the purpose of costing the advertiser money. It is simply the same as paying out cash for false leads. Many people website owners are aware of this fraud and are sharing the same sentiment that this is the one big problem that Adsense is facing.

How do you prevent being involved in this fraud?

Majority of web hosts are offering access logs. Once this is offered to you, it is necessary that you hand it over to Google as well. This allows them to look for any suspicious activity on your site. Problems like this are very serious and giving it to them is saying that you would want to help them in any way you can in solving the problem.

It can also help if you have a click monitoring software. If you do not have one yet, you should try and get one. There is absolutely no major factor preventing you from having one because most of this software is free.

As usual, all the information you have received should be turned over to Google. This is showing Google that you too are fighting against click frauds and is in no way a part of it.

Study your server logs and watch for any activity that seems suspicious. Report anything that you may find odd, may it big or small thing.

You may want to consider disabling ads for your own IP address and local geographic area. This will certainly prevent accidents and will not make Google mistake another user as you. You can do through a htaccess file. This will avoid Google mistaking as clicking on your own ads and be kicked out because of it.

Keep your Adsense off on pop ups and pop unders. Your ads should not be displayed on content sites that promote illegal activity or tampering of the legal rights of other people or business. Included in this are the content that is considered adult and gambling ones. If you think that you may be breaking this rule, immediately remove your content or Adsense from the web page.

Be truthful and confess up to Google about times when you might have clicked on your own as, whether accidentally or intentionally. Or the times when you have done something that is against the Terms of Service that they are implementing. Be honest about anything that you may have done that is wrong. Confessing is way better than Google learning about it eventually. It would mean eventual termination and no getting back what you have worked so hard for.

Do not tell your family or friends about Adsense on your website. Chances are they may start clicking on them to help you make money without you knowing it. They may be doing more harm to you than help by trying it in the first place.

If ever someone you know chanced upon your Adsense, make sure they understand that they cannot click on your ads under any circumstances. It would be wise to brief them on important things about Adsense and what not to do with them.

Most pay per click networks have different measures in hand to protect website owners against click frauds. Other search engines can track more than 50 data points, IP address, browser�s information, user�s session info and pattern recognition. They also have �systems� available that detects fraud. Not to mention the specialized teams monitoring how things are going and helping advertisers stop click frauds.

Google offers suggestion on how to avoid click fraud. Using �negative keywords� can be used to keep your Adsense showing on products and services that are in no way related to yours. Adding tracking URLs to your links so you can track the traffic coming from Google.

Do not be caught in the Google click fraud. Be aware and be wary.

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The Art Of Drinking Whisky

There is no true rule of thumb when drinking whisky but there are a few things to keep in mind to make the experience a lot more enjoyable. It should be pointed out that if the general rule of thumb is not observed there is still no reason not to enjoy this wonderful spirit.

You should never put ice in a great dram as it kills the taste and aroma, however, some do prefer it this way. The glass that is originally designed to accept a fine malt whisky is very wide at the top and gently slopes in for the very reason of not comfortably accepting a bed of ice, as the intention is to steer away from this practice. This glass is by most called a tumbler.

When purchasing great malt the price, like many things, will indeed reflect the quality you get since with scotch, you tend to get what you pay for. There are a variety of alcohols available for a cheap price in which you can get a buzz, however, fine scotch should be sipped and enjoyed.

Good malt is not an appropriate mate for a mixing party and does not really take kindly to a soda. It tastes much better with simple bottled water. The best pairing with great malt would be of the mineral water variety bottled water is tolerated by malt without hesitation.

At 40-60% alcohol, whisky is indeed a strong spirit and will definitely get the attention of the less than experienced in drinking it. Throwing in a dash of mineral water will soften the blow so to speak and calm its aggressive nature. The term �the whisky will open itself� is in reference to the aroma being released when water is added so a few drops will surely bring even the most experienced of malt drinkers to bliss.

The wonderful thing about cask strength is that at approximately 60% alcohol per volume rate, this is one strong drink in turn allowing the drinker to tone it down to an appropriate alcohol level to suit personal taste making this an ideal drink to customize.

The makers of these fine spirits advise that you take a small mouthful and hold it in your mouth swish it around your tongue giving it time to settle. Only then will you get the true nature of this fine malt.

Finally on a closing note, after a swallow, it is said that you can get a good read on the maturity of the malt by how long it stays with you in you mouth.



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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Organizing your Bathroom Accessories

Is your bathroom unorganized and cluttered. Let抯 see what we can do to change your problem. Stand back and look for wasted space corners along with the cupboards. There are ways to rearrange things and organize them to give you more room and space as well.

What do you have under that sink?
Do you have a lot of empty space down there? Lets try adding a shelf to fill it up and not have to stack everything on top of each other. Take some measurements and decide just how high you need the space to be on the bottom for cleaning supplies or maybe that package of toilet paper you bought that was on sale. Mark a spot with a marker on all four corners where you want to put a top shelf. Places like Lowes and Marnards even Home Depot has different size shelving and colors too. Take your measurements with you and some places will even cut it for you so all you have to do is mount it when returning home. Tell the salesperson what your trying to do and they can recommend the mount supplies you抣l need. Know how to us a drill, oh that抯 ok if you don抰 a screw driver will work just as good only it is harder to do. Take a small nail and make a hole where you want to mount the shelving units. Using the drill or screwdriver install, the mounting brackets and lay down your new shelf on top of it. Now that wasted space has a shelf in it and you can put the small items on it towards the top.

Take a look at your nearest hardware or department store usually Rubbermaid has a lot of ideas to fill in the area under your sink. Get some small drawers and stack them in there on one side; you can put your soaps and small items in them even your extra wash cloths and hand towels will fit in these drawers. Rubbermaid also makes shelves that stack on top of each other that you can put in this space. You can make space to store nice towels and other bathroom accessories. Rubbermaid is easy to clean just fill up the tub or take outside and use the garden hose on them. Warm soapy water and a hose to rinse will do a great job and the mess is all outside.

How about the counter space around your sink it can be organized to by just placing a basket in one corner and laying that lose hair brush with the comb in it. You can place your room deodorizer and liquid hand soap in it too. Everything is all in one corner now and all you have to do is reach for it without going through everything to find them.

Organizing your tub and shower area is a breeze as well. Rubbermaid also makes many different things you can put in them to hold that bar of soap and hair shampoo and conditioner. Hang a shower caddy over you showerhead and put you razor along with the shaving cream, shampoo and conditioner, shower gel maybe can be put there too. This keeps them in a handy to reach area and off the shower floor of off the ledge of your tub. Your bar soap can dry easier with the holes letting air to it so the bar isn抰 lying in water and wasting it.

You can also get corner shelves that have suction cups to stick on the wall in the corners. These are nice and more places to put things. Hang a shower mirror in the shower to make it easy for that man of yours to shave and shower all the same time.

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3 Necessary Tools for the High Rolling Affiliate Marketer

What does it take to become a successful Affiliate Marketer? What are the ingredients of an affiliate marketing success story? Is there a shortcut to Affiliate Marketing glory? All these questions play around in the minds of affiliate marketers who want to make it big in this business.
Although affiliate marketing is touted as one of the easiest and most effective ways to earn money online, it is not as easy as it sounds. The wise affiliate marketer plans every action and executes it the best way he can. He should also maximize the potential to earn by utilizing the right tools necessary for a successful Affiliate Marketing business. We have consulted some of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business and below are the top three necessary tools for a successful affiliate marketing business.

Important Tool #1: Your Own Website

The most important and indispensable tool in Affiliate Marketing is your own website. The first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website. Your website is the jump off point of all your marketing efforts. Thus, you must first build a user-friendly website, which will appeal to your prospects and encourage them to click on the links to the products and service you are promoting and make a purchase. Therefore, you must first concentrate your efforts in building a website that will cater to what your prospects need.

The most important thing you should consider is that almost all web users go online to look for information, not necessarily to go and buy something. Above all else, make your website full of original, relevant and useful content. People will love articles that are appealing and helpful. Keep in mind that, in the internet, content is still king and good quality content will not only build your credibility, it can also help you achieve a higher search engine ranking. By posting relevant and useful articles, you establish yourself as a credible expert in the field, making you a more trustworthy endorser of the product or service you promote. Establishing a good reputation is a good step in building up a loyal consumer base.

Important Tool #2: Incentives

Competition is extremely tight in the internet world. You must always be one-step ahead of your rivals to ensure that you capture a significant share of your target market. Therefore, you must use every possible means to encourage people not only to visit your site but also to click and proceed to the websites of the products and services you are promoting. Building an opt-in email list is one of the best ways to gather prospects. Offer a newsletter or an e-zine. Better yet, offer incentives to your prospects to encourage them to subscribe to your newsletters. You can present free softwares, access to exclusive services and other freebies that will be helpful to your prospects.

Important Tool #3: Link Popularity

The importance of driving highly targeted traffic to your website cannot be emphasized enough. The all-important web traffic is at the top of the list of the most important entities in the internet world. Attracting people to your site should be the first step you should carry out. Do everything to achieve a high search engine ranking. Link Popularity is one of the factors that search engines use to determine search engine rankings. Therefore, to enhance your link popularity, you must launch an aggressive reciprocal link campaign.

One of the best ways to do this � at no cost at all � is by submitting articles, with your website's link at the resource box, to e-zines and free article sites. You will not only gain exposure, you will also have the opportunity to advertise for free, just include a link back to your site. The more sites you submit your articles to, the better your link popularity is. Make your articles original, relevant and useful so that more websites will pick it up and post it.

These are but three of the many tools that an affiliate marketer can use to maximize earning potential. The possibilities are endless and are limited only by your imagination, creativity, resourcefulness and determination. You can always explore other ideas and adapt other strategies, which you think might help you become a high rolling affiliate marketer.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

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What to do when your job title doesn抰 match your job responsibilities

A friend of mine asked for my help recently in composing her resume. She works as an Office Manager for a small business. In her role, she assumes all responsibilities of an Office Manager. In addition, she partners with the company owner to set policies, works with freelancers on marketing materials, serves as a liaison between vendors and shipping service companies, and conducts calls for sales leads that are collected at trade shows. In other words, her title doesn抰 encompass all of her job responsibilities. Several potential employers have in fact had concerns about the difference in her title and her overall position in the company, wondering if she had exaggerated her responsibilities on her resume.

Many professionals run into situations where the title they have at their current job is so specific to the company that it carries no meaning outside of the organization, or it implies that they are a level or more below their actual work responsibilities. The difficulty we face in these situations is accurately accounting for our professional experience on our resume in order to advance in our careers. There is no easy way to address this as you want to remain truthful on your resume; you wouldn抰 want your potential employer calling for a reference check and getting an impression you lied about your work history, do you?

There is a debate among professionals about listing job titles versus job functions on your resume. Some people prefer listing their title as it is, followed by a list of responsibilities, while others strongly prefer finding a way to rephrase your title to encompass your job function(s). The best option, however, is to find a happy medium and list your job title along with a few words that describe your job function, before you begin listing your job responsibilities.

First, let抯 explore making changes to the job titles as you include them on your resume. If your title unusual, or very specific to the organization, you should try to find an equivalent title that is well accepted and understood within your industry. For example, if you work as a customer support representative supporting a specific product and your title contains the product name, you can simply list Product Support Representative on your resume. However, be careful not to exaggerate your title. Do not change your title so that it implies change in responsibility or salary level; do not change the area of the organization where you work, or change your title in a way that suggest you are directly reporting to a person in a higher position than that of your manager. Any such changes on your resume are dishonest, and will negatively impact your credibility with your potential employer.

If your title implies less responsibility than you hold, chose the middle ground option described above. List your actual title on your resume. For example, if you are a Product Support Representative but are also responsible for training new hires for your team, list your title as follows: Product Support Representative/Customer Support and New Hire Training. All you are doing here is elaborating on your job title by including a brief description of your job function. Following this title, make sure that your resume includes power statements describing your actual job responsibilities, in order of their importance and relevance to your career title. This method is preferred because you are honest about your title, but you are also indicating to your employer that your responsibilities are slightly different than what the title implicates. When background checks and reference calls are conducted, you will not have to worry about misrepresenting your title, or causing raised questions about your credibility. Above all, your resume must be honest. Do the best you can to remain objective when it comes to your job titles and functions � focus on the positives, and you are sure to have a winning resume.

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Whenever possible, set up the kids in the bridal party by themselves. These kinds of photos will sell to the parents, the bride and groom and many other family members, especially the grandparents. Part of your job is to not just take good photos, but to take photos that will sell and keep you in a job and allow you to buy more equipment as you need it. You should always take individual shots of each kid and have the parents help to get them comfortable so you can get some good shots. Always try to choose an interesting background where possible. In order to focus attention on the kids and not the background, I have made a selection around the kids in Adobe Photoshop, and darkened the background a little, so the kids will stand out and be the center of attention in the photo.

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{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \s1\keepn\nowidctlpar\widctlpar\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\f22\cgrid {How to Deal with People to Get What You Want
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People communicate with each other in various ways for a lot of reasons. And one of these reasons is when you need something from someone. For people in business, this can either be in the form of products or services. You may want to sell a product while

the other party must find your product useful for his intention. You may want to offer your services while the other party must be satisfied with the services you render according to his needs. In short, the way to get somebody or anybody to do what you w
ant is to make them want to do it.
\par }\pard\plain \nowidctlpar\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\cgrid {\f22\fs24
\par To get something you want through intimidation or violence is to invite trouble. Yes, it\rquote s possible but not advisable to use forceful methods because the results are undesirable and at times disastrous. Imagine if you for
ce an employee to take a leave of absence for having apparently violated a company rule. The relationship between management and the employee, or perhaps between management and union (if the employee is a member of it), is likely to be severed.
\par To get wha
t you want, give people what they want. Just what do people want? Physical health, family ties, financial security, spiritual growth, peace of mind, a successful career, and fame are the basic needs of people. There is one important yet intangible thing e
verybody wants and that is appreciation. Being appreciated and complimented makes a person feel important. When you feel important, you feel needed and wanted, and this gives you a whole lot of reason for existence.

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As she uttered these last words she began to weep bitterly. Between amazement and compassion the young Goth was speechless. He looked down upon the small, soft hand that she had placed on his arm while she spoke, and saw that it trembled; he pressed it, and felt that it was cold; and in the first impulse of pity produced by the action, he found the readiness of speech which he had hitherto striven for in vain.
‘You shiver and look pale,’ said he; ‘a fire shall be kindled at the door of the tent. I will bring you garments that will warm you, and food that will give you strength; you shall sleep, and I will watch that no one harms you.’
The girl hastily looked up. An expression of ineffable gratitude overspread her sorrowful countenance. She murmured in a broken voice, ‘Oh, how merciful, how merciful you are!’ And then, after an evident struggle with herself, she covered her face with her hands, and again burst into tears.
More and more embarrassed, Hermanric mechanically busied himself in procuring from such of his attendants as the necessities of the blockade left free, the supplies of fire, food and raiment, which he had promised. She received the coverings, approached the blazing fuel, and partook of the simple refreshment, which the young warrior offered her, with eagerness. After that she sat for some time silent, absorbed in deep meditation, and cowering over the fire, apparently unconscious of the curiosity with which she was still regarded by the Goth. At length she suddenly looked up, and observing his eyes fixed on her, arose and beckoned him to the seat that she occupied.
‘Did you know how utterly forsaken I am,’ said she, ‘you would not wonder as you do, that I, a stranger and a Roman, have sought you thus. I have told you how lonely was my home; but yet that home was a refuge and a protection to me until the morning of this long day that is past, when I was expelled from it for ever! I was suddenly awakened in my bed by — my father entered in anger — he called me — ’
She hesitated, blushed, and then paused at the very outset of her narrative. Innocent as she was, the natural instincts of her sex spoke, though in a mysterious yet in a warning tone, within her heart, abruptly imposing on her motives for silence that she could neither penetrate nor explain. She clasped her trembling hands over her bosom as if to repress its heaving, and casting down her eyes, continued in a lower tone:—
‘I cannot tell you why my father drove me from his doors. He has always been silent and sorrowful to me; setting me long tasks in mournful books; commanding that I should not quit the precincts of his abode, and forbidding me to speak to him when I have sometimes asked him to tell me of my mother whom I have lost. Yet he never threatened me or drove me from his side, until the morning of which I have told you. Then his wrath was terrible; his eyes were fierce; his voice was threatening! He bade me begone, and I obeyed him in affright, for I thought he would have slain me if I stayed! I fled from the house, knowing not where I went, and ran through yonder gate, which is hard by our abode. As I entered the suburbs, I met great crowds, all hurrying into Rome. I was bewildered by my fears and the confusion all around, yet I remember that they called loudly to me to fly to the city, ere the gates were closed against the assault of the Goths. And others jostled and scoffed at me, as they passed by and saw me in the thin night garments in which I was banished from my home!’